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Most Valuable Publishers at Rookie Festival

December 6-8, 2012 / Rookie Festival, Municipal Gallery Arsenal, Poznań PL
December 29, 2012 – January 13, 2013 / Arsenał City Gallery, Poznań PL

Cura­tor: Honza Zamojski
Arti­sts: «The sports ana­logy of the ROOKIE FESTIVAL is exten­ded thro­ugh to the MVP exhi­bi­tion, apply­ing the title to the Most Valuable Publishers on the mar­ket. The asses­sment isn’t an exag­ge­ra­tion as this the first Polish survey of dozens of publi­ca­tions from leading arti­sts as one col­lec­tive exhi­bi­tion. For these arti­sts, the book is an essen­tial ele­ment, for many even a key focus, of their arti­stic prac­tice. Featured works inc­lude the para-architectural objects of Tauba Auerbach and Josh Smith’s expe­ri­men­tal forms thro­ugh the con­cep­tual acti­vi­ties of David Horvitz and Rick Myers. At the event, each of the arti­sts will share their own cha­rac­te­ri­stic appro­ach to publi­shing. For some it pro­vi­des a space for con­cep­tual spe­cu­la­tion and for­mal play, for others it is an archive for ear­lier works. Some pur­sue the nobi­lity of the prin­ted page, others stretch the notion of the “book” and its audience, com­po­sing dia­lo­gues or acting as per­for­mers in the urban space, such as Aleš Čer­mák. At the same time, the publi­ca­tions bro­ught toge­ther by cura­tor Honza Zamojski at the show com­pose a uni­que col­lec­tion of his own publi­shing pro­jects, while giving an insi­ght into his arti­stic fasci­na­tions. The show also demon­stra­tes how books are an irre­vo­ca­ble part of the artist’s pre­sence, not only in the con­tem­po­rary art world, but also within the con­scio­usness of the public at large.»
Arti­sts: Tauba Auerbach, Cezary Bodzianowski, Christophe Boutin, Maurizio Cattelan, Aleš Čer­mák, David Horvitz, Brian Kennon, Rick Myers, Paulina Ołowska, Slavs and Tatars, Josh Smith, Tadej Pogačar, TTC (Emil Alsbo, Magnus F. Clausen and Simon H. Hansen)
[Works in the show have been pro­vi­ded cour­tesy of the arti­sts and Foksal Gallery Foundation, Printed Matter Inc., Three Star Books]