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Galerie Anatome: call for support

We visited Galerie Anatome in 2010, in the period when we were preparing the exhibition Graphic Design Worlds, and we already wrote some notes about it in the blog A diary of an exhibition. Then we quoted the “Manifesto” launched in September 2009 by the association Galerie Anatome and expressing its commitment in promoting graphic art and design and visual culture: «Together we shall continue the struggle
Today this call seems more urgent than ever, as it concerns the Galerie itself. It is reported that Galerie Anatome «is currently under threat.» The reasons behind the threat are not explained in detail; however, since the Galerie is a non-profit organization, of course it needs public support to remain open and keep active.
Galerie Anatome is «the only permanent space in France dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of contemporary graphic art,» and has certainly become «a reference point for graphic artists» over the world.
This is why we invite those who are interested in graphic design to support the gallery: see the call for support online