Julia Born: Title of the Show
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Lepzig, DE [INFORM Award for Conceptual Design]
October 8 – November 29, 2009
Statement: «Together with the designer Laurenz Brunner, Julia Born has devised a large-scale installation for the Museum for Contemporary Art which explores the theme of graphic design as seen in the context of art, or to be more precise, the re-contextualization of graphic design as it relates to her various different projects. A selection of commissioned and non-commissioned works (in the form of typographical experiments, language games, performance and fashion projects, books, posters and even postage stamps) is on display on the gallery walls in the form of giant pages of a book.
Photographed by Johannes Schwartz, Born in turn transposes the gallery, now transformed into an oversized model, back into the form of a catalogue, thus changing the dimensions once again. The effect of both scaling down and blowing up the work simultaneously sharpens our perception of both the exhibition space and the space of the book. Exhibition and catalogue, which usually only serve to convey content not developed by the designer, are here turned into the subject of the project in their own right; in the process becoming intrinsically bound up in one another and no longer separable. The title – ‘Title of the Show’ – serves to denote content which has yet to be defined but which will instead gradually form as the work develops. Julia Born thereby not only makes reference to standard design practice, but also to design as a process.»
Publication: Julia Born, Title of the Show, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, 2009.